You're Mine by Sam Crescent

Heat Level 3
SKU 978-0-3695-1011-2

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Crave and Claimed, 6

As a favor to a friend, George Butterworth has agreed to allow Anna-Beth Knight to work for him as his housekeeper. Anna-Beth has annoyed her family, and for now, they just want her out of the way, not causing trouble. He doesn’t mind.

The only problem is, the Knight girl is no longer ten years old, but a thirty year old woman. And George cannot stop thinking about her.

For twenty years, Anna-Beth has been in love with her brother’s best friend. She knows she has irritated her family, but she refuses to be like them—mean, cruel, cutthroat. In the world of business and sustaining empires, her family expects her to play by their rules. They don’t know anything about her.

George has taken Anna-Beth's virginity. He knows her family is looking for a husband for her, but he doesn’t want to let her go. He cannot gether out of his thoughts, nor does he want to. Every second spent with her, she gets under his skin.

Will George stick around when he knows that she is in love with him as well?



All too soon, the time had slipped away, and she had no choice but to make her way back to the kitchen. Before she did, she couldn’t help but glance over to where George’s office was, and with the angle of the sun, she couldn’t see if he was there watching her.

Spinning on her heel, she made her way back into the kitchen and got to work making him dinner. This time, it was chicken parmesan, which was one of her favorite ways to eat chicken. She left the music playing and lost herself in making the food. Anna-Beth didn’t make much, as she didn’t like bombarding her fridge with too many leftovers.

With dinner nearly cooked, she made her way toward George’s office, only to find him no longer there. She stepped out and called out his name. There was no response.

Anna-Beth frowned and made her way toward the gym. She hadn’t seen him work out before, but she didn’t think he’d go upstairs to his room.

The only other place he could be was in his pool, but she hadn’t caught him swimming in a few weeks.

George had a constant routine, and yet it was different at the same time. The one constant was the time he woke up, got to his office, had lunch, and then dinner. The changes occurred in between those constants.

Arriving at his gym, Anna-Beth had every intention of making him aware of her arrival, but one look at him working the weights and she found herself tongue-tied. He’d stripped out of the suit, and yes, she’d seen men partially naked before. She’d also seen some movies that showed men’s genitals.

Not that George was completely naked. He wore a pair of sweatpants, no shirt. But the suit was gone.

She also spotted several tattoos she hadn’t known he had. One was on his back, near his right shoulder. It was a symbol of a bird of some kind. There were also a few tattoos curving around his arms, going down but ending at the elbow. She had never known this about him. Her mouth had gone dry.

She felt an answering hum between her thighs. Pressing her thighs together, she watched him as he lifted the weights, looking completely in control.

He switched hands, lifting them up, and she saw his biceps, and all those other muscles seeming to contract.

Anna-Beth intended to step back, but instead she must have made a sound because George turned toward her.

“H-hey,” she said, her voice sounding way off even to her own ears.

“Hey,” he said.

“Uh, good moves,” she said.

“Yeah, I got into it years ago. It helps me blow off some steam.”

“Bad day at work?” Anna-Beth’s brain was not functioning. She was doing her best to pretend it was, but it was far from perfect.

“Nah, just … long.”

He put the weight down and grabbed a towel, wiping the perspiration off his face.

I would gladly lick you.

Anna-Beth pressed her lips together and forced a smile to her mouth. “Uh, dinner is ready.”

“What’s the matter?” George asked.

She didn’t know how he managed to close the distance between them, but he did so quickly. One moment, he was near his weights, and within a blink of an eye, he was right in front of her face. So close.

And he smelled amazing.

Even after working out.

Why did this have to be so hard?

“Uh, dinner is ready.”

“What’s the matter, Anna-Beth?” he asked.

Why did her name sound so good coming from his lips? She wanted to drown herself in the sound.


None of this made any sense to her.

She took a step back and then another, all the while aware of the pleasure between her thighs, and the fact her nipples were hard as rock. Her needs were growing.

It was getting even more impossible to deny herself what she wanted, and she had to.

George was her boss.

This was a job.

She had to remember that.

Even though she was completely in love with him, and if she was honest, she wanted to be with him in every way.

Product Reviews

Score: 5 out of 5 (based on 18 ratings)
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Enjoyed This Book
Written by Jilllovesbooks on 28th Jun 2024

I really liked this start and ending. I did not like the back and forth with the brother. Malcolm pretty much sucked as a brother to Anna-Beth. She seemed to be a very innocent person and her darling brother just hands her over to his friend to "deal" with her and put her to work. Eventually Anna-Beth and George decided that they were in love and onward went the story. I did enjoy those moments of discovery for them.

Written by JustMe83 on 28th Jun 2024

So good!! I loved their chemistry and I loved how he felt about her and the buildup to them coming together. I absolutely loved how he loved her for who she is exactly. So good!

Anna-Beth and George
Written by SeahawkGirl on 28th Jun 2024

George is best friends with Anna-Beth's brother and has agreed to take her on as a housekeeper/cook as a favor. Anna-Beth is not like the rest of her cutthroat Knight family. She enjoys the freedom of keeping a house, dancing, cooking, and gardening at George's country home. Unbeknownst to her family, Anna-Beth has secretly been helping small start-up companies with her trust fund and is the silent partner in many business successes. George was expecting Anna-Beth to be lazy and spoiled. She surprised and delighted him while she worked around the house and yard. He also found her to be good at picking businesses to support. Unfortunately, her family is also busy planning to marry Anna-Beth off to a business partner. Anna-Beth and George have fallen in love and it was great to see Anna-Beth stand up to her brother. This was a good story and a sweet read.

Good Book!!
Written by Amy J on 28th Jun 2024

I really enjoyed reading You’re Mine. This book was actually a very fast read for me once I started reading Anna-Beth and George’s story.

Believing in Anna
Written by Bookbunny on 28th Jun 2024

George Butterworth was asked to take on Anna-Beth for his friend Malcom. Anna seemed to not have any drive. Well her brother and parents are wrong. Anna is a very smart woman and just doesn’t need their help. But they plan to marry her off. George isn’t about to let that happen. I do love that Anna is smarter than even we thought. She is a free spirit but she see the potential in people. She doesn’t treat people badly. George learns that she is a gem that her family is trying to break. I’m glad that he took her advice and even learned from her. Her brother never understood her and honestly her family didn’t deserve her.

Amazing read
Written by Heather1145 on 28th Jun 2024

I loved George and Anna-Beth. The chemistry between them is off the charts. She fell when she was a ten year old for George and Him with her when her brother drops her off. My favorite to date. I love all Sam Crescents stories but this is my favorite. I highly recommend it.

Alpha Male Boss Romance
Written by Vicky N on 28th Jun 2024

Anna-Beth has always been in love with George, ever since her brother brought him home when she was 10 years old. George hadn't really thought much about Anna-Beth until he took her in as a favour to his friend. He could see that she was a good worker and a little bit quirky but that was what drew him to her. As time goes on, Anna-Beth's family want to marry her off but George doesn't want to let her go as he has fallen for her. What will he do? A good story with some steam between the 2 main characters.

This book was so good--did surprise me a little!
Written by Andrea R on 28th Jun 2024

I love that George stepped back and decided to form his own opinion and not let the fact that "the disappointing Anna-Beth" wasn't a disappointment at all but a lovely and smart woman. This short read is heavy on spicy scenes and just the right the amount of drama for this read. A+++ like all the others!!

Anna-Beth is full of surprises
Written by ObsessiveReader on 28th Jun 2024

Anna-Beth has always been a disappointment to her family. They really have no idea how smart she is. George also underestimated Anna-Beth, but he is quick to see his error. Anna-Beth is George's best friend's sister, however he is drawn to her and can't stay away. It takes her family trying to marry her off to someone else for him to step up and fully claim her. Short but good read.

The ones that are so sweet are the shortest read.
Written by Mary S on 28th Jun 2024

Man the ones that are so sweet are the shortest to read. Love George and Anna-Beth they were just right for one another. It was the perfect short read.

Anna-Beth and George
Written by CarKar on 28th Jun 2024

Kudos to George for stepping back to figure out and appreciate “problem child” Anna-Beth. Loved that George not only recognized Anna’s potential, but nurtured it, too. Glad she finally got out from under her toxic family’s thumb.The timing was right for what Anna-Beth had hoped for since she was 10; eventually marrying George.

Boss to lovers Romance
Written by Michelle E on 28th Jun 2024

George Butterworth allows Anna-Beth Knight to work for him as his housekeeper. Anna-Beth seeks refuge from her family's expectations and her unrequited love for George. For George, having Anna-Beth around stirs up long-buried feelings and desires he thought he had under control. The close proximity allows George and Anna-Beth to get to know each other and reinforce the growing connection. Their attraction grows despite the significant age gap and their complicated history—George is her brother's best friend. Her brother and family are not supportive and have unrealistic expectations. They don't value her worth, and George starts to see other sides of her, which draws him in. It's a well-written short story that ends on page 76 with an Epilogue 10 years later, which was fun to read.

You're Mine
Written by Karen99 on 28th Jun 2024

Super Romantic Read! She’s loved him for years, her family didn’t understand her, Anna-Beth was different so when her brother asked George to give her a job, all her dreams came true. George had never noticed his best-friends little sister before, but now he had and now he was interested. Finding out she wasn’t what she seemed was a shock, one he had to come to terms with but he wasn’t willing to give her up for anyone. A warm romantic steamy read with a feel-good HEA which will make you smile!

Great story
Written by PHOENIX96 on 28th Jun 2024

Anna-Beth has been in love with her brothers best friend George for years, but her family see her as a nuisance as she wont conform to their way of life, and George as a favor to her brother gives her a place to stay as his house maid. But as things heat up between them, her family make plans for her future, will George and Anna-Beth get a future together? Well written steamy fast paced, engaging romace.

Good read
Written by Jes7s7 on 28th Jun 2024

Really enjoyed George and Ann-beth. I didn't like their names but the story is what it is about. It was easy to feel for Ann-Beth knowing how her family treated her. She came off as the usual underdog but in this case was very capable. There was no description of George thus no way to visualize what he would looks like. The cover makes him look more biker like with the tats but I got the sense from the book that he maybe bookish. Really good read, I loved it and will definitely recommend.

Love it so much
Written by RhondaVB on 28th Jun 2024

I really loved this book. Sam Crescent is an awesome storyteller, and this book is just an example of that. While I didn't exactly hate her family, they were ones I didn't like. They didn't seem to understand her and just wanted her out of their way. George agrees to hire her and is very surprised to see she is nothing like what her family claims she is. Loved how he helped her and protected her. While we didn't get to see much of her parents, which I'm sort of happy about, we did get to see her brother. He was a jerk, but I think he slowly started to recognize how talented his sister was. Just an all-around feel-good story!

Great short read
Written by Monickaslniecko on 28th Jun 2024

You're Mine by Sam Crescent is an amazing, fast-paced romance that captivates from the very beginning. The story follows the journey of George and Anne-Beth, two characters whose lives have been intertwined for years. Anne-Beth has been in love with George since she was ten years old, and their relationship finally blossoms into a romantic one. Sam Crescent does a fantastic job of developing the characters and their deep connection. Anne-Beth's longstanding affection for George is portrayed with sincerity and warmth, making their eventual union all the more satisfying. The chemistry between the characters is palpable, and their interactions are filled with genuine emotion and tenderness. The book's pace keeps the reader engaged, with each chapter bringing new developments and deepening the bond between George and Anne-Beth. While the story is fast-paced, it doesn't feel rushed, allowing the romance to unfold naturally.

Great read
Written by MrsKissmas on 23rd Jun 2024

You're Mine - Crave And Claimed Series Book 6 - Sam Crescent This is the sixth book in the craved and claimed series and I really enjoyed it. At the age of 40 businessman George Butterworth is focused on his growing empire and not much else. When his best friend Malcolm asks him to hire his younger sister as a favour he didn't realise what an amazing woman she is or exactly how much he would crave her. At 30 Anna-Beth Knight knows her family oa fed up of her and trying to send her away but she is a strong female, capable of so much but her family just can't see it but thankfully George sees all of her and gives her the courage to follow her heart. This is a well written age gap romance, lots of steam and some family drama but it doesn't detract from the blossoming relationship between George and Anna-Beth. The ending all wraps up quite quickly without much more drama but still enjoyable. Another great book to add to this growing series. Happy Reading. Please note that I was given an arc of this book for my honest review which is exactly what I have given. 4 out of 5 stars