Interesting exploration of the interplay between fantasy and reality
I am always impressed by "how much" Katerina Ross manages to weave into her stories, even the shortest. So much atmosphere, a sense of place, and deep insights in her characters' journey. This free read is a brief little foray in the world of Max and Vadim, the two MCs of Tenderly Wicked. It was delightful to meet them again, after their happy ending in that story, and find them deeply united, more intimate than before, more confident in each other's love. There's still some kinks to work out (or work in :) ) in their lives, especially in Vadim's life... and Max has a wholly original approach to the problem. It is of course an enjoyable read, but also a wonderful and delicate exploration of the complex interplay between fantasy and reality, the magic and power of storytelling, the sometimes dangerously thin line between shall we say, recreational masochism and self-destructive tendencies. Because the point of view is the opposite from Tenderly Wicked, we get to see Max through Vadim's eyes, and if in the first book it was easier (for me) to fall in love with Vadim, in this story I developed a strong admiration for Max. These characters' feelings for each other just get under your skin that way. There are very few such shorts reads that can offer a reader so much food for both fantasy and thought.