A great read for teens and adults!
I see that others have adequately summarized the premise of this fantastic book, so I won’t repeat that. This is a great read for adults and teens alike. Like so many women, the heroine, Rebecca, underestimates her own fortitude. As the story unfolds, she learns to reach deep into herself to survive and eventually begin to thrive in her new situation. I look forward to seeing her continue to learn about inner and outer strength in the sequel. Daniel, the young male hero, provides a nice foil to Rebecca. Where she lived her previous life with strong Christian faith and ritual, he was raised to doubt and question everything, and knows nothing of the trappings of religion. They will surely bring both of their life views to the fight as this story goes forward, and I truly can’t wait to see how their relationship develops in this regard. This will one day make a fantastic movie series! I will be first in line to see it!