Love Bytes
The overall concept of this story intrigued me and that’s why I wanted to read it. But, even though I like the concept and what the storyline was getting at, for me personally, not anyone else, me personally, it was too focused on the sexual relationship. I love the connection they had and I do get being cursed for 5 years adds up, but, like I said it’s a personal thing. Overall, it’s not a bad book. Give it a try yourselves and see what you think. Ryan has been half in love with the statue called Michael Emerging since he first saw it 3 years ago. Which is weird because it’s a statue, for crying out loud. But he gets the feeling that statue sees him and hears him. Even if it is just his imagination. But after hearing a strong there may be other statues that come to life and after having a really bad day thanks to an asshole, he poured his heart out to the statue and then kissed it bye. And all of a sudden Indio was there in real life. Now that he’s back to life, saved by Ryan, he has to figure out how long he has until he’s stuck again and how to get out of this curse. But his ex and his bf, who cursed him to begin with, have found out he’s back alive, and they’ve come back to kill him like they meant to to begin with. Ryan and Indio just hope they can find the right help and in time. Can you imagine being cursed as a statue, able to see and hear everything but not be able to do anything about it? Especially when the one that intrigues you the most leaves you the most wanting and you can’t even say hi. That’s what Indio had to deal with. He saw Ryan every day and heard him pour his heart out longing to hold him. He wishes he could get revenge on his ex and his lover for what they did to him, but he’s stuck. And when he’s finally free, he has the curse still hanging over his head. It’s a tough way to be. I felt for Ryan. The man he longs for, finally, is one he can’t have. Encased in granite. And everyone is calling him weird and crazy because he talks to the statue all the time. When Indio comes to life, is still heartbreaking because they don’t know how much time they have. Like I said, it’s a good concept. I like the overall bones of it. Give it a try.