Savage Desires by Faedra Rose

Heat Level 4
SKU 978-0-3695-1015-0

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Loving Monsters, 6

It’s All Hallows’ Eve and Mya Stonehill’s favorite spooky holiday is about to take a very dark turn. Out on an impromptu Halloween camping trip with her best friends from college in the Atlanta State Forest Area, she falls victim to what she believes is a harmless prank.

But Mya soon learns that she is the final girl standing; her friends having lost their lives to the monstrous cryptid of legend—the wendigo. Coming face to face with the nightmarish beast, she is given a choice. 
She must provide the wendigo with a worthwhile hunt.

If she fails, he’ll eat her alive … literally. But if she proves her mettle and entertains him, he’ll consider satisfying an altogether different kind of hunger.

Be Warned: forced seduction, bondage, monster sex




My ears prick up and my heart races as I peer into the darkness. It sounds like my friend Emily. “Em?” I yell back. “Where are you? I can’t see shit!”

“Over here!”

Well, that’s fucking helpful. I groan. Despite my fear and misgivings, I take several hesitant steps through the forest. “Do you have your torch?” I yell. My torch! Of course. “Emily! Come toward the light!” If she’s lost her torch, it’ll be far easier for her to come to me, than the other way around. I shine the weak beam on a nearby red pine, steadily moving the spot of light up and down the gnarled bark in the hope she’ll see it through the ancient trunks and foliage.

Heart still thumping in my chest, I hear nothing. If she’s out there, she’s not moving, or if she is, it’s not toward me. “Emily!” I call out again with panic. “Can you still hear me?”

Several tense moments of silence follow, before her familiar voice answers.

“Mya! Help me, please!”

Shit. “Are you hurt? Stay put! I’ll come to you. Just keep talking!” I don’t know where it comes from, but I find my courage. Dauntless, I head into the gloom in the direction I think I can hear her. I’m scared, yeah, but my friend needs me. I have to pull myself together and help. Emily’s pulled my head out of the toilet on more than one occasion during our college tenure, and she’s always been the best wing-girl. I’m not wimping out now, not when it matters most, not when she needs me.


The terrain is uneven, and an obstacle presents a new danger every few feet. The thought of being without my sad little excuse for a torch is unthinkable. Its weak radiance is just enough to see what’s directly in front of me. The scent of petrichor fills the air as I go, the lush, damp, earthy aroma inundating my senses. It relaxes me the tiniest bit. It’s one of my favorite things. The beauty of nature combined with the life-giving promise of rain is satisfying and soothing in a way I’ve never been quite able to explain.

But rain right now? That’s not so great. The notion of being drenched to the bone and out here shivering is not something I want to give further thought. But when the sky falls is not up to me. Mother Nature has her ways and they’re not for me to question.

“Mya! It hurts!” Emily’s voice sounds pained, and somehow more distant and faint.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” I swear. I’m just not covering ground fast enough. But what the shit is Emily doing? Is she walking away from me? Or is she fast losing her strength? If she passes out, I’ll have no hope of finding her. A twig snaps nearby and my heart seizes. I freeze on the spot like a startled deer. With bated breath, I wait. For what? I’m not sure, I’m simply reacting at this point.

Another sound, like the crunch and rustle of feet through the thick carpet of fall leaves has my heart racing again. “Emily?” I venture, my voice quavering. “Is that you?”

There’s no answer and the temperature around me drops inexplicably.

A chill shivers down my spine, my hand trembles, and I warily raise my torch to scan my surroundings. Nothing. Nothing. I’m alone … until I’m not. I catch a glint of white in the dark and I gasp, my soul practically leaving my body as someone—or more accurately, something—steps into the light. I raise the weak beam as the creature rises from all fours to its full height. It must be ten feet tall! For a split-second I think it’s a bear, because all I’m taking in is black fur and a broad chest, but then as terror seeps into my veins like a slow-drip poison, I realize the reality is so much worse.

With impossibly muscular limbs ending in vicious, curved claws, an exposed rib cage protecting its huge chest, the thick black fur covers the being from its taloned toes to its neck. There the fur stops, giving way to a long, bleached stag skull face with hollow sockets where eyes should be, and enormous blood-soaked fangs. And sprouting from its nightmare-inducing skull face are a pair of spectacular gnarled antlers.

“Fucking Jesus,” I breathe, every fiber of my being transformed to stone. I’m literally paralyzed by fear. It’s a goddamn fucking wendigo! I can’t move my muscles, nor can I rationalize what I’m seeing. I’m frozen in place, as if trapped in time and space, caught between one breath and the next, I teeter on the event horizon of terror. The pregnant, unbroken pause stretches on for what feels like an eternity. Until a low rumble finally cracks the silence like thunder.

“Run,” says the monster, his voice low and deep.

I can’t believe my ears. It spoke. I’m losing it. Or I’ve lost it. Maybe I’m currently unconscious and dreaming? Or maybe I fell and passed out, and this is nothing more than a nightmare?

A long, black tongue snakes out of the wendigo’s maw and makes a tasteless show of languidly licking the dark scarlet smeared over its teeth. “Run,” it repeats.

My mind races as fast as my poor heart and an unbidden question slips from my lips in a whisper before I can think better of it. “What happens if you catch me?”

The wendigo takes a lumbering step toward me. “Depending on the hunt you provide,” it answers after a moment, “I’ll eat you or fuck you.”


Product Reviews

Score: 5 out of 5 (based on 32 ratings)
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Darkly Perverse Occult Romance
Written by JennT on 8th Aug 2024

Mya is on a Halloween camping trip with her friends when they are hunted down, one by one. When she’s the last one left, the wendigo Shaman reveals she has a choice to make - live as his mate, or die. This short story is horror-movie-dark, and calling it a romance is a bit of a stretch, but nonetheless, it’s a gripping read.

A shockingly intriguing short story
Written by Ash_94 on 28th Jul 2024

I love a good Halloween spook, and this really hit that sweet spot! This short story is a monster fantasy romance that is more unsettling than outright scary, but it still gave off all the Halloween vibes. It was well written and had an engaging storyline with an unexpected ending. If you're looking for a quick read (Easy to read in one sitting) that gives off a spooky essence, this is the perfect book! P.S. I will never think of creamy butterscotch pudding the same way again!!

Savage Desires Book 6 of Loving Monsters by Faedra Rose
Written by Onlymetracy on 28th Jul 2024

Savage Desires Book 6 of Loving Monsters Faedra Rose Well written. Great characters, brilliant journey and easy to read.

Wendigo’s bride
Written by Redfaeryrose on 28th Jul 2024

I think I’ve just read the story of the birth of Wendigo’s bride and that is through savage desires and the will to live. It’s part horror and mythical with little bit of erotism.

Very steamy
Written by deedeescales on 28th Jul 2024

What are you do when you’re lost out in the forest ?follow the light? follow your friends voice? What Do you choose when you run into a Wendigo life or death? I really love this book is too bad that it’s just a short story. It keeps you totally captivated until the very end of the story. I love it .its a wonderful monster romance.

Written by ChrisL on 28th Jul 2024

This is a lunch read. Did you ever go camping on Halloween? Well, Mya and her friends did? What do you think happens when you get lost? Follow Mya and see her nightmare come alive.

You never know what you will find on Halloween
Written by Anne H on 28th Jul 2024

You never know what you will find on Halloween Mya and her friends go to the state forest as a prank on the eve of Halloween. But it didn’t take long for Mya to loses her friends in the middle of the forest. Mya starts to worry. That is when she hears her best friend calling out sounding very much in pain, but Mya couldn’t find her, and that is where she comes across a monster. And this monster a Wendigo gives her to choices. Run and make it interesting or stay and die.? Mya runs and when this monster catches her, the whole world changes in one night. This is a very hot read. I must admit I didn’t see any chemistry between them, but when things happen that changes very fast. A really good short read.

Short Story
Written by Jeanne R on 28th Jul 2024

I've read several books written by Faedra Rose; she is becoming one of my favorite authors. I can’t wait to read more of her books. This is the sixth book in the Loving Monsters Series; it is a stand-alone short story. The story is about Mya & Shaman.

Great read
Written by Heather1145 on 28th Jul 2024

A fast paced story. I enjoyed this one. Hallow's eve with Mya and her friends go on a trip to the forest. Where she meets her mate. Shaman and Mya meet not going to say more but I read it and looking to read more from Faedra Rose,

Great Story
Written by Court050 on 28th Jul 2024

This is Book 6 of Loving Monsters. Wish it were a bit longer story, but thats ok. I love the characters in this story. Very entertaining, spicy. intense. a page turner. Well written. I highly recommend. This author does not disappoint and can't wait to see what she writes next.

Monster Romance
Written by AllTheDarkVibes on 28th Jul 2024

Savage Desires is a short and spicy monster romance, this is my first read from this author and I was absolutely blown away by this story. I absolutely devoured this so quickly.

“I yearn to appease your savage desires”
Written by Ashley00 on 28th Jul 2024

This is a perfect book if you want a slight horror themed monster spice book, which will have you gripping the edge of your seat at times. The book is short so perfect if you don’t have a lot of time to read, or just need something quick. Mya goes camping in the woods on all hallows eve with her friends, not realising that none of them would ever return. After thinking she’s being pranked when she can’t find her friends, May’s fun camping trip takes a dark turn when she comes face to face with a Wendigo. A mythical creature that she didn’t believe existed. Can she escape Shaman the Wendigo or will she give into his savage desires and let the darkness consume her

Savage Desires!
Written by Mary on 28th Jul 2024

This is the sixth story in the "Loving Monsters" series and reads as a stand alone one. This story is interesting and oddly creative story that occurs around All Hallows' Eve. This one is also VERY interesting and intriguing where Mya is given a choice by the Wendigo named Shaman. She goes on a trip with her friends and has to make choices. It is a very short and quick read, that is extremely steamy. I like how this one ends. It is such a good addition to the "Loving Monsters" stories.

New fan of the author here!!!
Written by Mrsdan_e on 28th Jul 2024

I have to say this is my 1st monster smut read and I am not mad at it! My husband is obsessed with all things creepy, scary and monsters who may or may not be real. I was actually happy I knew the type of monster in this book and was like “yup new kink unlocked” hahahaha It’s only 47 pages but it moves perfectly along and is basically the span of one night. The writing is well put together for the events and I wasn’t lost or confused with random time jumps that didn’t make sense! The smut is unique but banter is funny. I love this monster, I love the female lead too! Hahahha This is the 6th book in the series and I will be going back and reading the first couple of books. Well done, well done! New fan here for sure!!!

Mya...Why Are You In A Forest??
Written by Shell R on 28th Jul 2024

I bet Mya wished her friends picked a different hangout spot other than the Atlanta State Forest this night. Mya finds out why you should not be in a park at night when she meets the terrifying wendigo. This apex predator gives her a choice either fight or run. If she runs, she better make it a good chase. Now our girl is covered in forest mush, blood and nasty mud but the question is can our girl handle more torture act given by crazy monster? Enjoy ?

Very Savage, Dark, and Sensuous
Written by A.K. Shaw on 28th Jul 2024

Savage Desires is the sixth book in the Loving Monsters series. It is a quick and entertaining read. Like other books in the series, it takes place on All Hallows Eve, which seems to be the day that all monsters are free to roam the earth, wreaking havoc and creating mayhem. Shaman, a wendigo, is definitely out for a night of mayhem and debauchery when he encounters Mya and her friends. His savage desires for her and hers for him make for a dark and sensual night. Savage Desires has a lot going on for such a short story, with a bit of horror, paranormal action, drama, a twist, and intense steaminess. It is an engaging tale with a monster you might fear in the dark or maybe go along for the ride of your life.

Written by A Schofield on 28th Jul 2024

This is a very dark and steamy story about making the most of a bad situation and learning that deep down you like it anyway. It contains a lot of story backed into a short novella. 4 stars.

Savage desires
Written by MelissaB on 28th Jul 2024

A pretty dark and steamy PRN short romance. Faedra really did an amazing job painting the story and it's progress despite it being so short. It was amazingly detailed.

All Hallow's Eve Dark Spicy Novella
Written by skgillman29 on 28th Jul 2024

This was a very short dark and spicy novella for All Hallow's Eve. I love all things that go bump in the night especially on All Hallow's Eve. This was very short, but still well written for a late night read. It only took about one and a half hours to complete but was very entertaining. I will definitely be checking out the author's other offerings as I look forward, as always, to an early Fall season.

A Savage Read
Written by Mrs c j Mchardy on 28th Jul 2024

When Mya and her friend go camping at Halloween. She ends up being hunted by a creature of legend. This is a fast paced read. Brilliant world building.

Shaman and Mya
Written by kymagirl on 28th Jul 2024

Mya and her friends embark on a Halloween camping trip in a state Forest, but when Mya gets separated from the group, her night turns into a terrifying ordeal. Lost and alone in the dark forest, she becomes increasingly panicked, only to encounter a monstrous wendigo named Shaman. The creature, standing ten feet tall with a stag skull face, black fur, and gnarled antlers, offers Mya a horrific choice: run and give him a worthwhile hunt and he'll give her an experience she'll never forget, or stay and die like her friends. Desperate, Mya runs through the forest, but Shaman's menacing presence is never far behind. As Shaman catches up to her, he forces her into a rough, intense sexual encounter, blending horror with a twisted form of desire. Seeing Mya's inner darkness, he offers her a chance to become something even more, if she chooses to submit and become his mate through a dark ritual that will give her a new life. Ultra-hot and steamy monster erotica, including primal play, bondage, blood play, and more, exploring dark magic, transformation, and savage desires.

Written by tapnchica on 28th Jul 2024

Such a great book! I loved it and couldn't put it down! Devoured every word and will definitely check out more by Rose

Dark and delicious tale
Written by LBing on 28th Jul 2024

This was a dark and delicious tale of horror and monster smut ;P With an opening like that, you know it's a catchy read. Lol! Expect a well written and well detailed story that brings together college gal, Mya, and wendigo, Shaman. He gives her a choice to run well and he'll take his pleasure from her, or run poorly and he'll eat her like he did all her friends. Yikes! You know where this is headed but the author did such a good job with the spice and twisting the ending ;D Expect a wild reading ride that will hold you until you from first page last. So fun!

Never Read Anything Like This Before
Written by Dr.Lollipop on 28th Jul 2024

This one was so good. It's dark, it's erotic, it takes place on Halloween. I don't think that there's a better monster romance out there. Short and (not-so) sweet, this quick read will hook you right away and leave you wanting more.

loved it!
Written by readsalldaynnight on 28th Jul 2024

Love it when I find a new to me author!! And definitely not my usual read....but I loved it. If you enjoy a good monster read, you'll love this one! Short but spicy! Monster love Cannibalism He's huge ? - of course he is ?

Shaman and Mya
Written by Babs on 28th Jul 2024

The sixth story in the Loving Monsters a short story, that was very different than most stories I read. Even with that I found Shaman and Mya's short smutty short to be a fun read.

Savage desires
Written by Ga1 on 28th Jul 2024

Interesting, short read if you’re looking for something a bit dark and off the beaten path. Mya and her friends go on a creepy Halloween walk through the woods and nothing will be the same for any of them. When Mya realizes she’s being chased, she has to decide whether she will die or embrace a new life with Shaman

Deliciously dark and dirty
Written by Sarah ES on 28th Jul 2024

Wow, this was a very unexpected read. Faedra Rose always delivers fantastic dark and chilling monster romances and this book does so in the best way. A monster finding his mate through the choice of life or death, including a very memorable hunt and then the ultimate transformation!!

What's not to like❣️
Written by DariaB on 28th Jul 2024

:what's not to like: This here just the right length, amazingly descriptive. Dark deliciously so. The forest is no place to be alone in the dark. What our girl thought a prank, gets a real dose of reality when she meets the bump in the night. The stalker. Dark, dangerous top dog in the forest of predators. Oozing darkness and fear with a taste for prey. Beautifully written. Love both characters, the heat that laced the story perfectly.

Wendigo for the win!
Written by Anya Z. on 28th Jul 2024

? ARC Review ? Savages Desires by Faedra Rose is a new-to-me-Author. SO glad I found Faedra. ? This is a short, mọn̈§ṭėr ėrọṭïcä with flavors of horror & occult. Shaman has a *very* girthy pėėn̈... ? Mya is the young woman that went on a last minute Halloween camping trip with her friends in the forest. Shaman is the wendigo hunting her. Shaman either wants to ėäṭ ĥėr or fůƙ ĥėr...all depends on the chase. A §mụṭṭ-fïllėɗ story with blood-play, magical cüm, a devastating special pėėn & an obsessed monster...yes, please!! ???

Savage Desires.
Written by Caroline D on 28th Jul 2024

Maya has been abandoned in the forest by her friends she’s scared and she was stupid to agree to this Halloween camping trip now she is lost then she hears her friends voice so she follows it but it’s not her friend she finds it’s some kind of creature and Maya is paralysed by fear. There is so much more going on in this fantastic story I loved it and the characters and I highly recommend this book.

Great story
Written by PHOENIX96 on 28th Jul 2024

Myas last minute halloween camping trip with her friends take a twist when she doscovers shea the last one standing after Shaman devours them, he offers her a deal, give him a good chase and he might just give her something else in return fail and she'll end up like the others. Well written steamy fast paced monster smut!