A Great Ending to a Great Series
Secrets. That’s what Perry has. He holds them close so others don’t use them against him. But keeping those secrets involves his siblings. He can’t do it all himself. Maggie wants her happily ever after, but due to circumstances out of her control that isn’t possible and won’t be in the foreseeable future. Those around her just look at her as another servant, except those who know the truth. When an attack happens and Perry is left for dead everything changes, for both of them. But will they be able to work together with his brother to find the perpetrator? When the battel ends close to home will good or evil prevail and will there be a happy ending. This is the final book in this series and it will be missed. There is the underlying story of their father but I think that is wrapped up in the end and if you’ve read all the books you will probably agree. Once again Raven has given us another series and a cast of characters to love, and even some to hate.