We're looking for new and established authors to join Evernight Publishing!
Evernight has been a popular indie publisher since 2010. We are not a vanity publisher. You never pay to have your book published with us. Upon final acceptance, your book will be edited, assigned an ISBN, and one of our cover artists will create an eye-catching cover. It will be available for sale through our site and also sold at many popular third-party distributors.
Books that meet word count and sales requirements, either alone or in an anthology, will also be considered for POD publication for book signings and events.
Evernight has been a popular indie publisher since 2010. We are not a vanity publisher. You never pay to have your book published with us. Upon final acceptance, your book will be edited, assigned an ISBN, and one of our cover artists will create an eye-catching cover. It will be available for sale through our site and also sold at many popular third-party distributors.
Books that meet word count and sales requirements, either alone or in an anthology, will also be considered for POD publication for book signings and events.
Authors earn 45% gross royalties from sales off our website and 45% net royalties from our distributors. Anthology authors earn 50% gross royalties from sales off our website and 50% net royalties from our distributors.We are currently accepting completed manuscripts of 10,000 up to 100,000 words in all sub-genres of romance and erotic romance.
Regular Submissions 16,000 words up to 100,000 words
Romance on the Go 10,000 to 16,000 words
Naughty Fairy Tales 16,000 to 40,000 words
Planet Alpha 25,000 to 40,000
Anthologies 15, 000 to 20, 000 words
**Exclusive Submissions ONLY **
We are only interested in acquiring romance. Your book should be thoroughly proofread before submitting. No head-hopping. We want to see books that have well developed plots, strong conflicts, memorable characters, sharp dialogue, and a powerful romance.
NO infidelity, pedophilia, bestiality, incest, rape as titillation, necrophilia, underage sex, or depraved acts. No books from a series started elsewhere or previously published books. No plagiarism! No song lyrics or copyright material. We are not currently seeking any sweet romance, however we have a mainstream romance category for books with less heat. Authors must be over 18 years of age to submit their work.
We have tightened up on our acquisitions in order to give our readers the best reading experience and our authors more individualized promotion. Priority will be given to popular genres/tropes and authors with a social media presence and desire to grow their writing career.
NOTE: Free Reads submissions are for in-house authors only. The book can be part of an existing Evernight series or a stand-alone title. Free Reads will be available through Evernight and other distributors.
All sub-genres of romance need to have a HEA or HFN ending.
WORD Document
1 inch margins
12 pt. Times New Roman Font
NO Headers/Footers/Page Numbers
Double Spaced
To Submit:
Send a query letter with your legal name, pen name (if applicable), working title, word count, genre, and any previous writing credits to: evernightsubmissions@gmail.com Please add "SUBMISSION" to the subject field.
Attach a one page synopsis and the complete manuscript in a Word document.
Attach a one page synopsis and the complete manuscript in a Word document.
We will try to make a decision on your submission within twelve weeks. Submissions not following guidelines will be deleted without a response.
These guidelines will be updated as needed.