Night Owls Review
Can you have a one night stand with someone you've known most of your life? Not bloody likely. But then, neither Maggie nor Diesel wanted a one night stand. They've wanted one another on the down low for years. So down low they didn't even know the other felt the same. Loyalty and unspoken rules kept them apart, but push comes to shove for Diesel and then he decides to flaunt all convention and go for what he really wants. Kudos to Diesel, but seriously! Did he have to be a man whore in the meantime? Yes, people have sex before committing to "the one" but he kind of went overboard just a tad. But alternately, who could blame him? Naked women are part of the décor at a MC Clubhouse apparently. Maggie is back in town under a cloud of darkness feeling that she has failed at life. But when she and Diesel hook up, its obvious she's right where she needs to be. The chemistry with these two was off the charts, and the unexpected pregnancy brought out a softer side to Diesel. His going to her dad and talking man-to-man about his feelings melted me totally. Sure their lives are dangerous and moderately illegal, but they have values and loyalty. Can't wait for more.