Mafia Man's Virgin Wife by Sam Crescent

Heat Level 3
SKU 978-0-3695-0900-0

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Enzo Amato owes a favor...

When Hank Bianchi calls in his favor, Enzo is more than ready to deliver. There is only one problem. Hank wants him to marry his daughter. The other little problem, it was a daughter he had with a mistress. This was unheard of, but Enzo does not like owing favors, and so, marrying Hank’s daughter is exactly what he will do.

Adele Shanks knows what her father is. She knows what he is capable of. After years of disappointment, her mother told her the truth. Hank is part of the mafia, he is a capo. She wants no part of his world. When Enzo enters the bar where she works, she knows it is going to end badly.

Adele rejects him as she doesn’t want to be part of her father’s world. Enzo will not take no for an answer.

Enzo will not fail. Adele will be his wife and he’s not above blackmail. He uses her friends against her, so Adele has no choice but to go with him. She will become his wife.

Adele doesn’t hate Enzo. What she doesn’t know, is that Enzo has fallen in love with his little virgin wife, and he wants to keep her, build a family, and to mend her broken heart. Could it be possible for Adele to find everything she has been looking for?


Enzo didn’t say a word.

Adele was hurting. She didn’t have anyone in this world, but Hank did.

Enzo stepped toward Hank. “Are you sure you want me to repay my debt this way, by making her my wife? She’ll be an easy target.”

“She will at least know that I care,” Hank said. “And right now, that’s all that matters.”

He didn’t believe that to be the case, but he didn’t argue.

Hank saw him out, and Enzo climbed into his car and made his way back to the bar where Adele worked.

It wasn’t quite as busy as last night, but there were still a lot of people milling around. He recognized Arnold, working behind the bar. The moment Arnold caught sight of him, he moved toward his spot.

“What can I get you?”


Arnold raised a brow, but where Adele got the scotch from last night, this man did the same, grabbing a glass. Enzo looked around the bar, but couldn’t find Adele.

“Where’s Adele?” he asked.

Arnold hesitated in pouring the scotch. “She’ll be a little late tonight.”

“When does her shift start?”

“It’s not her shift tonight, but Bishop will let her work.” Arnold put the lid back on the scotch. “You do realize what today is, right? I assume you know Adele.”

“Yes, I know her.”

“So, you know the deal her mother made with her, right? That she was never allowed to visit her grave site on the anniversary of her death, but she could do so the day after.”

“Adele’s visiting her mother.”

“Yes, and every night, without fail, the day after, Adele comes to work. I don’t even think she gets paid, but we all know she’s hurting.”

Enzo didn’t like how much this Arnold guy knew about Adele. Once she was his wife, she’d never work another day in her life.

“Speak of the devil,” Arnold said.

The barman was looking at a spot past his shoulder, and he had no choice but to spin around to see. Adele was coming through the door. She had her bag on her shoulder, arms folded, and he saw she’d been crying. Enzo got to his feet, about to go to her, but Adele didn’t even look his way as she passed.

“I wouldn’t interfere if I was you,” Arnold said. “All she wants to do is work. It helps to numb the pain.”

No, it doesn’t.

Sitting at the counter, he played with the glass of scotch. He wasn’t much of a drinker, and he was pretty sure this stuff was straight poison and in no way good for him.

He watched as Adele tied her long brown hair up. She was once again in the standard uniform. No one got in her way as she rounded the bar.

“All right, babe?” Arnold asked.

“Yeah, please tell me it’s busy.”

“You’ve got company.” Arnold pointed toward him and Enzo raised his glass.

Adele stopped and he saw her hesitate. He watched as her hands clenched into fists. He wasn’t sure if his presence was going to give her a reason to fight or run away.

Enzo waited, and he didn’t have to wait long as she squared her shoulders and approached him.

“What are you doing here?” she asked.

He saw the fire in her eyes and knew this woman was a fighter.

“I’m having a drink. Isn’t that what paying customers are allowed to do?” he asked.

“There are a lot of other bars that I’m pretty sure are fancy enough for the likes of you. You didn’t have to pick this bar.”

He wrinkled his nose. “Actually, I did. You see, Adele, this bar has something all those other places don’t have.”

Enzo watched her lips press together, and she was clearly fighting with asking him that question. He waited. Patience wasn’t his forté, but when it came to Adele, he seemed to have some.

“And what is it this place has that the others don’t, besides the cheap scotch?”

Enzo stood and pressed his face close to hers. He felt the fan of her breath.

“Simple, this bar has my future wife.”

With her face so close and feeling her breath, he couldn’t resist slamming his lips down on hers and taking the kiss he wanted.

Product Reviews

Score: 5 out of 5 (based on 21 ratings)
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5 Stars
Written by MrsKissmas on 2nd Apr 2024

Mafia Man's Virgin Wife - Sam Crescent Adele shanks is the 23 year old illegitimate daughter of Hank Bianchi who has has a very distant relationship with his daughter over the last decade even though he longs for more. After Adele's mother passes away Adele becomes stuck in a lonely routine with no real chance at happiness, so Hank decides to right several wrongs but calling in his debt with Enzo Amato a fellow 35 year old capo. Enzo hates owing anyone and agrees to the debt payment but is shocked when he meets Adele she is nothing like the quiet and unquestioning females the mafia usually raise. Adele is full of fire and oassion and everything Enzo didn't even realise he was looking for. I absolutely adored this book, there us so much more to the characters of both Adele and Enzo, there are a few twists along the way and lots of passion guaranteed to get your pulse racing. A really enjoyable read that I would thoroughly recommend. 5 out of 5 stars. Please note that I was given an arc of this book for my honest review which is exactly what I have given.

Great Mafia Story
Written by Jilllovesbooks on 27th Oct 2023

Sam did it again! Another great mafia story. I absolutely loved the way this story flowed from beginning to end. I love Adele and Enzo and basically how they taught each other to love. I had a hard time putting this one down because it was that good of a story.

Good book!
Written by Jamee h on 27th Oct 2023

This was a really good book. It was a quick read, but was very cute. I would definitely recommend reading this.

Enzo and Adele
Written by Angela F on 27th Oct 2023

I absolutely fell in love with this book and this storyline. Hank saved Enzo's life so Enzo owes him a favor. That favor marry is daughter that was born by his Mistress. Adele character is feisty, and bratty even but also in deep pain from her mothers death and her father's broken promises. Enzo is everything she needs but she is also just the person he needs in his life as well. This book is full of themes of forgiveness, second chances but don't forget the steam! This is one fabulous read that will leave you warm and fuzzy at the end of it.

Written by Amy J on 27th Oct 2023

Loved it!! Once I started reading Mafia Man’s Virgin Wife I was sucked into this book and couldn’t put it down. The chemistry between Adele and Enzo was steamy HOT and I loved their story!!

Written by Iva on 2nd Oct 2023

I sooo love Sam´s books. Mafia books are great. Adele is daughter of mafia boss..but she lived her whole live away from this. But it will all change..when her father made a deal with another mary her..even if she doesn´t whant it.

Written by Nasra on 2nd Oct 2023

i like their chemistry, i like that you can feel the growth of their feelings. both have very likable personality. i enjoyed very much. good job

Mafia lite: forced/arranged marriage leads to true love
Written by HazReviews on 2nd Oct 2023

I loved this one, it's hot and steamy, and surprisingly emotional with a sweet HEA. Enzo (35) is a Capo, he is mean, cruel, the bringer of death and he never falls in love. But he owes a debt. It's how he finds himself agreeing to marry Adele (23), the unclaimed daughter of his friend, a fellow Capo. Adele is strong, feisty and independent, she knows exactly who Enzo is and wants no part in the life be is proposing. Thier connection is instant and hot, but Adele doesn't give in easily The plot is great, the heat and steam is great and the HEA is just perfect.

Mafia Man's Virgin Wife
Written by Amd2662 on 28th Sep 2023

Enzo/Adele. Mafia Capo/Mafia Capo's Illegitimate Daughter. Older man/Younger woman.Favor. Arranged marriage. Mother deceased. Attraction. Desire. Affection. Taboo. Virgin. Consensual. Acceptance. Wonderful characters and endearing story. Love. HEA. Entertaining.

Wonderful story
Written by RaeWoodland on 28th Sep 2023

I loved how this story showed steady growth of the main couple through the story. It also had a couple surprise parts that help contribute to a happy ending. It is a very sweet passionate story with forgiveness at the heart of the story

This is a total love story
Written by JudyCh on 28th Sep 2023

This book was both sad and full of love but from the mafia man how crazy is that but things do work out but this story will pull on your heart and in a great way. If you love fairytales of love this book is gonna blow you a way.

Not your typical mafia story
Written by Jill G on 28th Sep 2023

I truly enjoyed this story. It’s not your typical mafia story as it mainly deals with the new relationship between Adele and Enzo. It runs the gamut of emotions from a high to a low but in the end it runs true. I love how strong Adele is and how she comes to love Enzo. In the end, he gives her back a father and the family she did not realize she needed in her life. This is a great story and one that I would recommend as a great read. I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and are voluntarily leaving a review.

Mafia Man’s Virgin Bride by Sam Crescent
Written by Spender of Money on 28th Sep 2023

Adele was fine. Her life was fine. Everything was just fine. I mean sure, she was sad sometimes, maybe lonely at other times, but she was fine. She had her job, her hobbies, her home. And she didn’t need her dad, (and frankly he didn’t deserve her, IMO). And then there was Enzo. She wanted nothing to do with him, with that whole thing. She WAS fine, after all. I guess it’s a good thing Enzo had his own goals. Another page turner from Sam Crescent. This authors writing style, characters and worlds <work> for me. I’m definitely a follower-one-clicker. And Mafia Man’s Virgin Bride is in my re-read list.

Mafia romance
Written by Michele77 on 28th Sep 2023

Adele and Enzo are perfect together but their meeting and relationship are anything but that. Add in the mafia, her estranged father and a step family and you have an intense storyline. A quick one sitting read as the story pulls you in!

...a debt paid...
Written by Anya Z. on 28th Sep 2023

? ARC Review ? Our intro into Mafia Man's Virgin Wife is that Enzo Amato owes Hank Bianchi a debt for him saving his life. The debt is that Enzo must marry Adele - Hank's illegitimate daughter Adele. Hank has not been a part of Adele's life, she hates him. It was a struggle for me to like Enzo in the beginning. He was cold, ruthless and did not care that he would completely disrupt Adele's current life. Adela loves to sew & works in a bar. He lies to Adele a few times about her not having to be around Hank. Adele knows the life from her mother telling her about it. (Carla fell in love with Hank, not knowing he was in the mafia & married. After Carla discovered all of Hank's lies, she demanded Hank tell her about the mafia life - to better prepare Adele.) Enzo blackmails Adele into marrying him. We see some changes & feelings grow in Enzo. Enzo makes some overtures for Adele to ease her into her being his wife & showing his emotions to her. We see emotional growth from Enzo & Adele. What does Enzo do for Adele? You will have to read to find out. ⚠️TWs: Adele makes an internal observation of seeing some mafia wives with bruises on their faces at her wedding reception, when she goes to the bathroom. Adele makes an offhand comment that Enzo has a reputation in using torture & fear. Enzo talks about killing a 'rat" - off page, then tells Adele about it.

Great story
Written by PHOENIX96 on 28th Sep 2023

Enzo owes a favor to Hank and he wants him to marry his illegitimate daughter Adele. Adele wanted nothing to do with her estranged fathers mafia world. But Enzo never backed down from what was owed but getting Adele to submit to him, is another game, and in planning to get close to her Enzo finds himself falling for her, but could she ever fall for him? Well written steamy, forced marriage, desires, and more.

Making peace
Written by Bookbunny on 28th Sep 2023

When Hank Bianchi asks Enzo Amato a favor, how can he refuse? This will repay a debt owed. Hank’s wants Enzo to marry Adele Shanks, his daughter. Thing is Adele wants nothing to do with her father’s world or him. Enzo had his work cut out for him. Adele is no wilting flower. She was hurt by her father all those years ago. You can understand why she didn’t want a relationship with him. And his wife, I have to say, I don’t know if I could forgive her. With Adele, Enzo was able to find that soft romantic in him. He wanted to give her the world. This story will pull at your heart. A daughter and an estranged father trying to make amends. Granted it is mafia but still everyone deserves to be happy.

Written by Mistie Best on 28th Sep 2023

This was so good! I loved all the twists and turns and just couldn't believe how quickly I got to the end. Great read!

Coming to terms with your situation
Written by coffeesmom on 28th Sep 2023

Adele hates her father and Enzo owes him a favor. Of course they should get married. I find it refreshing that there wasn't chapter after chapter of her whining that she was unhappy. Adele vocalized it and met Enzo toe to toe and it seemed like he loved her for it. This story was different that any mafia bad boy story I have had the pleasure of reading. I enjoyed it immensely.

great independent woman
Written by memes on 28th Sep 2023

This is a happily ever after with not too much violence and a whole lot of family turmoil. I really like the Adele character, she was independent and not afraid to stand up for what she thought. Despite things from her past she was also able to forgive and that just added to her great character. Enzo likes to be in charge and get his way, but has a soft side for Adele. A couple times I did get a little teary eyed, so be prepared and there is some good humor through the story.

So good!
Written by JustMe83 on 28th Sep 2023

OOOO, this one got me right in the feels!!! Enzo was hot hot hot. No question. But he was so oooey gooey on the inside for her and just wouldn't admit it. lol I loved it!! She fought harder then I think she should have but I totally get why she did with her Moms background. But ohhhh, the "little" twist towards the end was the icing on the cake!!!! Like I flipped!!! So amazing!! I would have loved the book without it but with it..... chef's kiss.