Justified Lies by Shay Burnham

Heat Level 2
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SKU 978-0-3695-1132-4

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The Justified Series, 1

In a sleepy suburb of Vancouver, Lianna Bennett should be living her happily ever after. Instead, she is grappling with the guilt surrounding her late husband's death and raising two children alone. As if this working mom needed more on her plate, someone is harassing her. When the assailant’s tactics escalate, she turns to Gabe Williamson, a sergeant in the local Homicide Unit.

Gabe has a secret. The single father is struggling to stay ahead of a lie that jeopardizes the life he’s carefully built. He will do whatever it takes to protect his son, even if that means pushing away his own chance at happiness. When threats to Lianna’s safety intensify, Gabe is finally forced to confront his painful past. As the danger closes in, they must put their personal issues aside to face an enemy that is closer to home than either of them could have imagined.



Did you think that she was sitting at home pining for you?

That is exactly what he thought, or at least hoped, even though he wasn’t supposed to. After yesterday, he had been so confident that she reciprocated some of his feelings. Now it appeared that she was not being honest about her relationship with the creep next door. It explained why the neighbor’s eyes were so possessive when Gabe confronted him, why Lianna was so apologetic.

The big SUV wheels screeched as he turned into her driveway. Lianna arrived back at her house as he was slowing to a stop. She didn’t even bother to look surprised to see him, instead she waved then opened her massive front door, leaving it ajar for him.

“I’m on to your game,” he said to no one.

Gabe threw his car into “park” with a jerk. He opened and slammed the door with all the gusto of a teenager who had just been grounded on a Friday night. Stomping towards her house, he was surprised the overhanging tree branches didn’t ignite from the sparks shooting from his ears.

Giving the front door a shove, it opened fully and there she was. Lianna was waiting for him with a smile, leaning against the entryway table looking as cool as a cucumber. Without a backwards glance, he nudged the door shut behind him with his foot.

“What’s wrong?” Lianna stood straight, her smile quickly fading.

“Why didn’t you just tell me?” he demanded through clenched teeth.

“Tell you what?”

“About the neighbor?”

“What about her?”

“Him. What about him? I was actually concerned.”

Gabe spent hours in interrogation training and had more practice in making a suspect talk than he cared to admit. But now he was too irate to stop and think. Lianna’s innocent act was fueling his fire and he had no idea where he was going with this line of questioning.

“If he’s so creepy,” he said the word in a mock female voice, but he was so agitated it just sounded like an odd screech, “why did you look so happy leaving there?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. Why can I not be happy?” She made a show of throwing her hands up and letting them fall to her side. “I brought him some banana bread to say sorry for your bad attitude last week.” She thrust a finger in his direction.

“I thought I told you not to talk to him,” he retorted with all the authority of a wet blanket.

“First of all, you said not to let him in the house, which I didn’t. Second…” she held up another long finger, “you’re not the boss of me.”

“Oh, that’s mature.”

The irony didn’t escape him that he was standing in a dark hallway arguing with her because his feelings were hurt. It must not have escaped her notice either.

“Mature? You’re standing here yelling at me for bringing his wife bread!”

“What do you mean his wife?” Gabe barked the question but considered for the first time that he may have misjudged the situation.

“Tim wasn’t there.” She gestured in the direction of the neighbors harshly. “So, I left it with Diane, his wife, and said sorry the big brute with me last week was such a jerk!”

Gabe started, then closed his mouth, then started again, but his brain had abandoned him in his time of need.

“Believe it or not, some people don’t relish conflict. They would prefer to get along with, you know, other human beings.” Lianna’s cheeks were rounding the corner quickly from pink to red.

“I just thought… you were smiling and…” He couldn’t get the rest out.

Embarrassment swept in like a tidal wave washing away his anger. She looked at him like he had fifteen heads.

“Why do you care all of a sudden anyway?” None of her anger had subsided. “You were obviously avoiding me before this whole knight in shining armor act. I had to twist your arm to stand in the same room. What did I do to make you despise me in the first place?” She narrowed her eyes, seeming intent on having this out once and for all.

“I don’t despise you, and you know it.” He spoke gently, all the wind having left his sails.

“Of course, you do.” She laughed without a trace of humor. “I wish you would be man enough to admit it.”

 The smug way she crossed her arms told Gabe she was baiting him into a fight. But it was too late. All his anger and most of the embarrassment were fleeing, replaced with something entirely different. Something that felt a lot like relief she wasn’t involved with her neighbor.

The urge to kiss her was overwhelming. Gabe’s eyes were pulled down to her chest heaving with frustration. He took a step forward.

“I’m tired of tiptoeing around you, Gabe. One second, you’re avoiding me, the next you’re barking commands and getting mad that I made peace with my neighbors.”

“I’ve never been mad with you.” He shook his head, taking another step closer.

“As a matter of fact,” she continued as if she couldn’t hear him, “I’m not going to keep begging you to like me, to want to spend time with us.”

By the time she had said her piece, he was close enough to reach out and stroke her cheek. The foyer was dim except for the sunlight filtering in from the windows atop the front door. But Gabe could see enough, and he stood there marveling at her.

She was so beautiful, her tan skin flushed from their argument, her chest still rising and falling exaggeratedly with each breath. Thick dark hair was piled on top of her head in some messy knot while loose curls framed her face. The sweatshirt she wore hung slightly off one shoulder. It begged him to bend and kiss the exposed skin there. Standing this close, her vanilla scent filled his nose and had the insides of his mouth watering. He was overcome.

As she glared up at him, her hands placed firmly on her hips, he wondered if she had any idea how perfect a creature she was. The thought had him smiling.

“It’s all a joke to you?”

 Before he could react, she turned and stalked to the front door. Yanking it open, she said, “Thanks for stopping by, I truly appreciate your help, but I can handle this on my own now. Bye, Gabe.”