This story is a gem. It also has enough quality heat to positively singe. There is a rakish, world-class treasure hunter who sees through the socially awkward assistant curator’s surface appearance to approach, engage and propose they waltz out of a stuffy grand opening of a new exhibition to enjoy a wild night. There is a little more back-story that involved “getting a bit of one’s own back” that most certainly added fuel to the wildness. Michaela Slater, better known as Mickey Slater, has an international reputation as a ‘Recovery Specialist’ for artifacts and such. She also has a reputation for sweet-talking all manner of women into her bed. She was involved in the expedition that recovered the ‘Heart of Solitude’ that was being showcased at the Grand Opening and Fundraiser at the museum where the assistant curator works. This was a lovely coincidence from Mickey’s standpoint and a huge breath of fresh air for Lily. Lily Swan is the assistant curator. For her, the actual attending of the Grand Opening is often the least desirable part of her job. She feels out of place, awkward and downright wallflower-ish. She is astounded at finding out that Mickey Slater is not a man and that she arrives at this opening attired in blue jeans, tennis shoes and brown suede jacket amidst all the formal wear and even her own borrowed cocktail dress. Nevertheless, Lily watches Mickey sashay around the great hall with polished ease and complete confidence. The special spice that really placed this story on another level came in the form of Beatrix Bailey, the leader of an international group of archeologists that recovered the ‘Heart of Solitude’ and a rising star at the Museum. Her previous special relationship with Lily and her previous casual relationship with Mickey generated some very interesting fireworks. I was totally enthralled by the heated interchanges. They did, however, cause some pain and disenchantment for our primary pair. Once again, this short story is a complete gem in its own right and I give it a gold star and thumbs up. And for those folks who like happy endings, this is a wonderful one.