2015 Rainbow Awards Honorable Mention
The book is narrated from Sterling's third person point of view. Pelaam is quite smart in setting the story. At first I thought the whole setup was about space exploration: after all, Sterling is an aspiring astronaut - but you soon realize that it's time travel that he's been training for. Then you get the first plot twist: Sterling meets Jex. It's obvious that something is going on in two fronts. First, there is more than one time traveler. Secondly, the program that Sterling belongs to is more than what we were set to believe. Then there's another twist: Faer is a time policeman and Sterling has to save both his lover and the Universe. I read the book in one sitting. Could not put it down. The characters are very real and I fell in love with them right away. I was rooting for Sterling, Jex, and Faer the whole time. The book ends in what I assume is the perfect setting for a sequel and I hope it comes out soon. Can't wait to read it.