For All My Effort by Josephine Light

Heat Level 4
SKU 978-0-3695-1041-9

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Not All Omegas, 2

Hannah Zeal has the best of both worlds, fighting for her designation’s rights and being loved by her four bonded alphas. At least until an attack at a protest causes Hannah to end up in a hospital without her recent memories, including bonding with her mates.

Now, with several years of her life simply gone, she’s struggling to adjust to her new place in the world, in front of a revolution and behind her protective alphas.

As she tries to come to terms with this new version of herself, she’s forced to balance both the fate of her relationships and the upcoming vote about omega restrictions.

Can she protect both, or will she be forced to choose between her mates and her designation?

Be Warned: MMFMM, m/m sex, anal sex, orgies, double penetration, knotting


My excitement was back up to the level before my hair disaster. I had been going for cutesy, but maybe that just wasn’t meant to be. Sweet had never really been my thing. Kind, sure. Blunt, definitely.

I sat back down in the chair and agreed. The feeling of my head being almost shaved, along with the loud buzzing sound was unsettling at first. It was louder than I anticipated since he was shaving right next to my ear, but it didn’t hurt.

By the end, my hair was so short you couldn’t grip it anymore. It made my face look sharper, harsher in a sexy way. It made my head look like I had a halo of color, and it further hid my scar since it wasn’t obvious that I was missing a chunk of hair.

“Oh, this is so dangerous,” Koda said. She was standing in front of me, tilting my chin to the side so she could take in my new haircut. “Now I’m wondering if I could pull off this look.”

“Jump in the shower, rinse off those baby hairs, and I’ll get you some new pajamas to change into. Then you can come out and present your new look to your mates.” Zeke’s declaration left no room for argument as he turned my face and pressed his lips against mine. “I also call first dibs in the nest tonight.”

Just like that, he left, leaving Koda to stare at me, wide-eyed having heard that last bit. “I am totally considering this haircut now.”

I laughed, smiling wide as I ran a hand over my head, feeling my new short hair.

Koda left so I could rinse off, and I took the time to enjoy it. The small amount of hair products I needed was actually blowing my mind. Even the little dollop seemed like too much. My cheeks were aching with how hard I was smiling.

Just as I turned the water off, Zeke peeked in and dropped off a little set of pajamas. I raised a single eyebrow at the very thin fabric he set on the chair.

“Koda and her alphas had to leave. Something about work and school tomorrow. She said she’d check in later.”

Then he was leaving again, and I was drying off. I ran the towel over my head and then pronounced my hair as dry.

I was right in my initial view of the pajamas that they were lacy and thin. The straps were skinnier than the width of my pinky and the little tie on the shorts was purely decorative. All black, it fit tight around my breasts and ass, only slightly flaring in the midriff.

My cheeks were tinged a little red from the heat of the shower, and I wondered if I looked sexy or ridiculous. Obviously, I thought the previous.

Gripping my internal confidence with every metaphorical limb I could, I lifted my chin and made my way out of the bathroom. Could I feel the cool air on my head? Yes. Was my neck suddenly cold? Also, yes. Did all the hair on my body seem to pebble from a mix of cold and anticipation? Again, yes.

But I followed the sounds of my mates’ voices into the living room. Han and Zeke were sitting on one couch together, half laying on it, so Han was leaning against the couch’s arm with Zeke between his legs. They saw me first, both sitting up with looks of pure arousal on their face.

Sebastian was sitting in the center couch, and he turned around so fast that I couldn’t help smiling at him. “Oh, Princess.”

My attention was pulled from Seb getting up from the couch as Jackson rounded the corner from the kitchen, taking one look at me and tossing his snack back onto the island. He picked me up, holding me against him with one arm around my back and the other running a palm over my head.

I had to squeeze my legs tight around him in order to hold myself up. Seb, Han, and Zeke were following after us as Jackson carried me up the stairs toward my nest.

“Fuck, your hair looks so good, rebel,” Jackson said, his scent blooming around us, becoming stronger and juicier.

“I called dibs on first fuck,” Zeke called out, chasing after us.

Jackson stopped at the top of the third floor, turning to glare at my other mate. When he turned his attention to me, raising a single eyebrow in a silent demand for an answer, I had to work to keep from smiling.

“He did,” I admitted.

Jackson growled, claiming my mouth right then and there, grinding his erection between my legs and heightening my arousal.

I was yanked from my mate, a whimper working its way up my throat until I was turned to my other alpha. Out of all my mates Zeke wasn’t the most classically handsome, but there was a sort of beauty that radiated from him. Even more so, there was a kindness, a gentleness, an understanding.

There was so much to learn about my alphas. These dates they were going to take me on, it would do more than comfort me about my place in this pack, it would help me fall even more in love with them—I knew it.

Zeke carried me into my nest, the others following. All the deliciously aroused scents of my mates, the comfort of my nest, I was sure that this moment was the beginning of my happily ever after. The second time.


Product Reviews

Score: 5 out of 5 (based on 16 ratings)
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For All My Effort Book 2 of Not All Omegas by Josephine Light
Written by Onlymetracy on 18th Oct 2024

For All My Effort Book 2 of Not All Omegas Josephine Light Well written. Great characters, brilliant journey and easy to read.

A great story
Written by A Schofield on 18th Oct 2024

I liked this twist on this omegaverse as it follows Hannah, her individuality, and how she get amnesia and has to rediscover herself. I loved how the pack stood by her, no matter what. There was no question that spthey would not be loving and loyal. ot having that sort of drama settle the story and kept the focus on Hannah. This was a great story from start to finish.

For All My Effort!
Written by Mary on 18th Oct 2024

This is the second story in the "Not All Omegas" and is so good. It is such an intense, interesting and intriguing paranormal alpha/beta/omega story. The author has taken on a different approach to the alpha/beta/omega wolf genre that is fascinating. The authors take is different approach with this one in the fact the lead female character is mated but suffers amnesia but it does not begin there. The story is about Hannah and her fight and struggles. Overall, a good story line and likable characters. The story is fast paced and develops nicely.

Written by ColleenR on 18th Oct 2024

This is an entertaining reverse harem book that grabs your attention from the beginning and holds it to the end. The storyline is intriguing as the elements unfold. The characters are well written with strong chemistry. I enjoyed this book.

Intense, gripping and steamy
Written by LBing on 18th Oct 2024

This is a fab follow-up to book one and this story takes omega, Hannah, and takes her through a journey to reconnect with her mates, deal with her memory loss and sort out her place in the revolution for omega rights. The author did a great job balancing action, trauma, emotions and steam as Hannah struggles to find her way. This was a high stakes read that really kept me glued to my reader. I'm really looking forward to what's next by this author :D

Written by Monickaslniecko on 18th Oct 2024

For All My Effort by Josephine Light is an intense and emotional sequel that dives deep into themes of identity, love, and activism. Hannah Zeal, a strong and determined omega, finds herself in a terrifying situation: losing her memory and the bond with her four alphas. The story beautifully balances the tension between her personal relationships and the larger societal struggle for omega rights. The book explores Hannah’s journey as she tries to reconnect with her mates and reconcile with her role in the revolution, all while dealing with the trauma of memory loss. It’s a fast-paced, steamy read that doesn’t shy away from explicit content, so it's definitely for readers who are comfortable with graphic romance and adult themes. What makes this book stand out is the balance between action, deep emotional struggles, and raw passion. Hannah’s inner turmoil about balancing her love life and the fight for omega rights is gripping. If you're into omegaverse stories with strong characters, high stakes, and plenty of heat, For All My Effort will not disappoint.

Love it!
Written by Diana A on 18th Oct 2024

Wow! This story is so entertaining. I was afraid that I won't be able to keep up with all the characters but the soty develops so well that you will know them perfectly. I enjoy how the h fall in love again. Now I will need to go to read the first book in this series and wait for the next.

Written by ChrisL on 18th Oct 2024

This is Hannah's story. She is a omega that fights for the rights of omega and beta's. Her mates accept this. But what will happen when she ends up in the hospital without her memory? What will happen? Will the bond between her and her mates still be there?

A Different Kind of Omega
Written by Marquismadam on 18th Oct 2024

I have only read a few omegaverse books but this one was completely different. Hannah, the mfc omega, loves her mates but secretly fights for the rights of betas and other omegas. She did not like having most of her rights taken away when it was discovered that she was an omega. Luckily her four mates knew and understood how she felt and did not mind her protests. The book begins with Hannah at a protest and an alpha peace officer finds her. When she tries to get away she is hurt and ends up in hospital. She looses her memory and has to fight to regain what she has lost. This book is her story of trying to learn the bond she had and then create a new one.

Written by vickymeowmeow on 18th Oct 2024

Very political story about the eroding of Rights and Freedoms for one segment of the population. Of course it's for their own good. The sex is spicy and well-described. And the ending was tense, exciting and kept me on the edge of my seat.

Omegas Story
Written by JeniT on 18th Oct 2024

Hannah has her pack, Four Alphas who love her, support her and cherish their, bond. One incident changes everything. This leads us down a path full of mystery, intrigue and love. I could not get enough of their bond and the strength it provides to Hannah. So freaking steamy you’re gonna needs to fam yourself

Second Book in the Series
Written by Luv2Read17 on 18th Oct 2024

This is a great addition to the "Not All Omegas" series. When the book starts, we know that Hannah is passionate about the rights of Omegas. Unfortunately, she gets injured while at a protest- and now she's got amnesia. Her mates now need to have her fall back in love with them. Their love story was great and I really enjoyed how the guys were going above and beyond for Hannah.

Loved it
Written by Court050 on 18th Oct 2024

I loved reading Book 2 of Not All Omegas. I love the characters in this story. Very entertaining, intense, spicy, twist and turns. Well written. I highly recommend this author does not disappoint and can't wait to see what is next. Great Author.

great addition to the series--well written
Written by Andrea R on 18th Oct 2024

Thoroughly enjoyed the story. The story was well written and engaging. The story evolved and how the mates reacted to reaffirm the feelings that were forgotten and forge new stronger bond. Great great story.

I enjoyed the story
Written by nurse123 on 18th Oct 2024

I enjoyed the story. Hannah is an omega and wants more out of life and others like her. She goes to a protest and ends up getting hurt and losing her memories. She doesn't remember her mates or the last couple of years. Their fight to make things better begins. Will her mates win her over again? Will things get better for omegas?

Something different in omegaverse
Written by Emmellen on 18th Oct 2024

For All My Effort shows that just when you think you’ve read everything in a trope, something new can always be discovered. Light has a great take on omegaverse here, as her omega heroine Hannah is suffering from amnesia. But Light adds a wonderful trick: the book starts before the incident that causes Hannah’s amnesia, allowing the reader to know what Hannah is like before that “disappears.” So the journey is one of Hannah rediscovering herself—and avoiding a great risk that she’s facing based on her earlier actions. I also loved that there was no question about Hannah being mated. Her alphas are known to her by their scents, illustrating well that while amnesia is a block for a certain period of memory, it doesn’t mean that all memories are lost. We have the usual array of alphas, each of whom appeals to a different aspect of Hannah, but they didn’t stand out as well to me, in large part because For All My Effort is told from Hannah’s POV. Then there’s the danger to Hannah. She’s actually an activist for omega rights, and there are many in the world Light sets up here who would far prefer for omegas to be under the utter control of alphas. Hannah’s work fighting that has placed her in a precarious position, even more so when she has to act with imperfect knowledge and memory. Light has built a gripping omegaverse story in For All My Effort. If you’re feeling like you’ve read everything in this trope, boy, do I have a book for you!