Diamond Immortal by Serenity Snow

Heat Level 3
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SKU 978-0-3695-1110-2

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Fairy Mafia, 8

Two cousins with the same problem, money, and they both think Jorja is the perfect bank to bail them out. A covert group of gurndels is chomping at the bit to take her down and claim her crown. Not only that, Jorja has to protect the Autumn Queen whose family wants payback for Bridget turning against them.

Jorja knows she needs a queen’s help as the storm clouds gather. However, Bridget has just resigned the post. So, what else can she do but call in reinforcements in the form of mobster Alexi Russo?

Russo runs a fine offensive into the nest of the gurndels, but Jorja has to take out the side. However, a paralytic used on her makes her a helpless target. With her death imminent, only a queen can run the plays to save her life.
Is Russo her new Autumn Queen or just a well-placed ally?

Be Warned: f/f sex


Jena caressed her daughter’s cheek and smiled. “You’re a sweet baby,” she murmured and then moved to the other crib. She stared at the child whose closed eyes opened.

Jena started to touch Amari but stopped.

“You can’t show fear,” Jorja said from behind her. “She’s goblin, Jena. She can smell it a mile off.”

A fireball formed, and Jena backed away from the crib, stumbling as she stepped on Jorja’s foot. Her wife steadied her and reached out, killing the fire as it hovered above the crib.

Jorja urged her forward, and Jena went.

“Why does she hate me, all of a sudden?”

“She doesn’t,” Jorja said. “She’s developing, testing her powers like children do. It’s nothing conscious. She’s a child. She doesn’t have the cognitive development for that yet, but you have to deal with her now, let her know who’s boss.”


Jorja laughed, the laughter a sexy sound in her ear. “You’re a hound, act like it. You fear nothing. You have no natural predators. You’re at the top of the food chain along with her and me.”

“I could hurt her.”

“Then, show her that,” Jorja urged. “The next time she uses her fire, use your cold to extinguish it. Here.” Jorja took her hand and guided it down to the child who watched them.

Jorja brought her hand down on Amari’s stomach. Her round belly was soft and the child huff-purred softly.

“Now, turn your touch cold,” Jorja ordered quietly. “Let her know who’s boss.”

“I can’t,” she said. “Sleep, sweet baby.”

The child closed her eyes, the innocence of her face almost heartbreaking. She had a child that might one day hurt her.

Jena pulled her hand away. “My mother called?”

“She wants to see you and the twins.”

“She can’t see them,” Jena said angrily. “What does she want? She’s probably drunk.”

“She’s rumored to be sober.”

“I want to talk to her,” Jena insisted. “I don’t believe for one minute she’s sober, and if she is, she only wants money.”

“What would you like to do?”

“To see her, to pay her off,” she said.

“You can’t pay her off,” Jorja replied. “Locane had been giving her money for years, but his death ended that.”

“What do you mean? She said he never gave her a dime. He just left us.”

“She was getting alimony and child support.”

Jena frowned. Her father had said he’d given her mother money for her. “I want to talk to her.”

“She’s meeting us at the condo in a few hours.”

“Good. Let’s go as soon as Casey and Kahlan get back. I trust them with the babies.”

“As you wish,” Jorja said.

“Then, we can have dinner together,” Jena said with a serene smile. She moved into Jorja’s arms. “I love you.”

“I love you, too.” Jorja kissed her, and Jena reached up to stroke Jorja’s nape.

Jena wrapped her arms around her wife, anger flitting through her. She would love a relationship with her mother, but Jena knew that was as impossible as knowing why her mother had hated her. However, putting off seeing her would be a mistake.
