As a child, I entertained myself for hours playing pretend, but not with dolls and such. I created stories and pictured them in my mind, sometimes even acted them out, my well preserved secret until now. I spent years after leaving school trying to figure out my niche. Not being a literary enthusiast, I never thought my childhood pastime would lead in this direction.
In life, one door closes and another opens, so I'm told. This was true for me. I lost my mother, my best friend, to cancer. After a year without her, I picked up her favorite hobby...reading. After one book, a romantic suspense, I was hooked. In the past, I'd fall asleep after a few minutes of reading. Now, books rank up there with a good red wine. It didn't take long for my childhood muse to come back in adult version urging me to put the scenes in my head on paper.
Why do I write romantic suspense? I love writing and creating the meet-cue (the point where the hero and heroine meet) to the blossoming of the romance. Add a suspenseful plot or a good mystery to the equation and the perfect book is born to curl up to and lose yourself in, taking you away from reality, troubles.
I hope I have provided you with the escape similar to the ones I conjured in childhood and rediscovered as an adult, and I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I have loved creating them.
Cait's debut novel, Kidnapped Hearts won awards in the categories of Best Happily Ever After and Best Suspense.
Cait lives in Virginia with her husband and three daughters.