Coffee Time Romance Reviews
When Peter, then later Patrick, is torn from Andy Sheaver’s life, she almost wills herself to die. Survive is about all she has done, but her body is now begging her for something more. It tears Hunter Sullivan up every time he remembers his best friend and godson, yet it hurts just as much to see Andy wasting away. He loves her, always has, and it breaks his heart that she refuses his help. The loneliness of her and Patrick’s home is finally too much, so Andy seeks an outlet in the only club she is comfortable in. Not running into Hunter is a priority, although doing so is not much of a surprise. What is a surprise is how much her body reacts to his, and how much he wants the same. Hunter will do anything to keep Andy in his life, especially if it helps them both heal from the tragedies of the past. Grief, anger, and guilt are the only emotions Andy has felt for so long it is no wonder she goes to extremes her first night out. I love how gentle, patient, but also persistent Hunter is when he reels her back from the edge. Their bond is much deeper than the physical, which turns this story from just BDSM to a real romance. Ms. Hammell tells a lovely story with a softer BDSM angle to spice things up.