Night Owl Reviews
Sam Crescent did an amazing job on Steven for the fifteenth book in wildly popular Skulls MC series. This one had some all around great storytelling from Sam Crescent. I loved Steven and Sally and catching up with the rest of the Skulls family, and getting fully immersed into the drama and emotions of the plot. Steven and Sally's relationship had been on the backburner for a while now so readers already know a bit about them. Sally is Whizz and Lacey's adopted daughter who had a very tragic past. The entire club was super protective and kept warning Steven away from Sally because of his own love them and leave them past. Needless to say that there was a lot of family tension and hurt feelings to go around. I really enjoyed this book. Steven and Sally were great, and I loved seeing Whizz being so protective of his daughter. The characters were vibrant with a rich history that added to the story. When it came to Sally's past it was emotionally gut wrenching and made it harder for Steven to earn her complete trust. I loved the parts with all of the Skulls kids. I predict major fireworks for them later on down the road. So this was another great book from Sam Crescent that has left me eager for more Skulls / Chaos Bleeds drama.