Night Owl Reviews
Why yes, I have had the fantasy described in this quick read. But get naked behind a restaurant? The brakes go on in a hurry in my mind when we reach that point. Maybe that's what made it so fun to read; it truly was an escape from reality. The instant attraction described in the book had my interest piqued and then I was fully engaged. No spoilers allowed but the end was no surprise since the author started dropping clues as the story progressed. This story relayed a lot of emotional pain for both characters and stresses (to me) the importance of communication. Be warned, this is an extremely short read. It's a slice of someone's existence for your reading enjoyment. You get no information to start with, glean details as you go, and then the big reveal at the end. It's meant to be this short and the line is marketed on the premise. My personal favorite part of the story was the epilogue; every book should require one in my opinion. A good read.